Purple Mountain Majesty

Purple Mountain Royalty
Losing your life.
Taking a journey.
Flowing on the river.
Rainbow destiny.
Glory in the rain
Of freedom.
Joy in the morning.
Signs in the sky.
Sing a new song.
Apple of His eye.
From darkness to light.
Dressed in all white.
The shofar sounds.
Coronation of the King.
The Bride turns around.
Taking flight.
Not by power.
Not by might.
By the Spirit.
It is heard across the land.
The Spirt and the Bride.
Heaven and Earth
No longer divided.
The thunder rolls.
A small still voice
“This is the way.”
The light.
Armored up.
Fight the good fight.
Purple Mountain Royalty.
Living the life.
Taking a journey.
Flowing on the river.
Rainbow destiny.
Glory in the rain
Of freedom.

Published by jenniferbutler77

Jennifer Butler is a Mother of two Kingdom warriors aged 7 and 10 who live together in Central Virginia. As a laid down lover of Christ she has followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and journaled her adventures with her boys as they have grown together in Christ. She has been an active evangelist, revivalist, teacher speaker and intercessor. Pioneer Ministries was birthed in Jennifer's heart and as the vision was written down and made plain she surrendered it all to God and asked Him to take control. God began stirring her to move in the gifts of her heritage and expand the kingdom through prayer and intercession. After waiting on the Lord for His clarity and timing, the call in program was launched this past June on a wing and a prayer. Jennifer has been amazed at the number of testimonies already coming in from the ministry evenings and the number of ministers who have stepped up to pray. God has taken the seed He planted, watered it, and grown it exponentially in a very short time. We are called to minister the Kingdom of God to the world and set the captives free. The prayer line has callers from across the United States and Canada and has recently been offered radio space on two other stations. In one month Jennifer took a small step of obedience and God demonstrated His faithfulness to expand the impact on the lives of those who call in for prayer. The initial radio segment the ministry was offered was a segment on Reaching Out Radio International. "Pioneering the Frontier" was birthed and it is a biweekly program that runs on Saturdays at 8 p.m. E.S.T. Each small step forward has led the ministry through doors of opportunity at an accelerated rate with the most recent expansion they were blessed with another radio segment at WEES 107.9 Ocean City, Maryland on Wednesdays where Pioneer Ministries prays for the nation. Recently appointed as the Connections Director of the Ignite the Nations Global ministry, she is excited to see the expansion God has brought to the growth of Pioneer Ministries and the seed that was once planted through intercessory prayer. One act of obedience at a time has opened doors of opportunity that no man can shut.  Keeping their hands the the plow, Pioneer Ministries hopes to teach, equip, grow and send out others, launching them into their callings.

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